In Conversation with Mhlonitshwa Nkala
God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, he then caused the man to sleep and took out his rib and thus formed woman and presented her to him and he said this is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. Adam identified his one and knew it was her and not another. We see this as the genesis of what we call marriage, a union created by God for His glory. In order to understand the dynamics of this institution and set us young people up to get it right, I had to have a conversation with Thee Mhlonitshwa Nkala, yes good people Thee, this is the only certified Mhlonitshwa Nkala. He describes himself as a young man who is vibrant for Christ & raising awareness. This young man is not only passionate about Christ he is also an Economist and an aspiring Entrepreneur. He then went on to introduce us to the VIP code, this is something he lives by. It represents Vision & Values; Integrity, Identity & Inspiration; Purpose, Power & Passion. All these feed in...